Class template promise

poet::promise — A handle to a promise.


template<typename T> 
class promise {
  // types
  typedef T value_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  promise(const promise &);
  promise& operator=(const promise &);

  // public member functions
  template<typename U> void fulfill(const U &) ;
  template<typename U> void fulfill(const future<U> &) ;
  bool has_future() const;
  void reset();
  void swap(promise &);
  template<typename E> void renege(const E &);
  void renege(const poet::exception_ptr &);

// free functions
template<typename T> void swap(promise<T> &, promise<T> &);


Promises are used to construct futures and set their values when they become available. You can also renege on a promise, which transports an exception instead of a value to any futures waiting on the promise.

Promise objects are handles with shallow copy semantics. Promises are reference-counted, which means a promise will automatically be reneged with an uncertain_future exception if its reference count drops to zero without the promise being fulfilled.

The idea of making a seperate promise class from the future class was suggested by Chirtopher Kohlhoff. The idea of reference counting the promise class was due to Braddock Gaskill.

promise public construct/copy/destruct

  1. promise();
  2. promise(const promise & other);

    Copy construction creates a shallow copy of other.

  3. promise& operator=(const promise & rhs);

    Assignment makes *this a shallow copy of rhs.

promise public member functions

  1. template<typename U> void fulfill(const U & value) ;

    Fulfill the promise by giving it a value. All futures which reference this promise will become ready. The type U must be implicitly convertible to the promise's template type T.

  2. template<typename U> void fulfill(const future<U> & future_value) ;

    Chain the promise to another promise by giving it a future. All futures which reference this promise will receive the value from future_value when it becomes ready. If the promise referenced by future_value is broken, this promise will also be broken. The type U must be implicitly convertible to the promise's template type T.

  3. bool has_future() const;

    The has_future query allows a promise-fulfilling thread to query if there are any futures left which refer to this promise. This enables a promise-fulfilling thread to exit early if noone is interested in its result.


    true if there are any future objects in existance which will obtain their value/exception from this promise.

  4. void reset();

    Resets the promise by swapping it with a default-constructed promise.



  5. void swap(promise & other);

    Swaps *this with other.

  6. template<typename E> void renege(const E & exception);
    void renege(const poet::exception_ptr & exp);

    Breaks the promise. Any futures which reference the promise will throw a copy of exception when they attempt to get their value.

promise free functions

  1. template<typename T> void swap(promise<T> & a, promise<T> & b);

    Swaps promises a and b.
