Class acyclic_mutex_base

poet::acyclic_mutex_base — The base class of the acyclic_mutex template class.


class acyclic_mutex_base {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  virtual ~acyclic_mutex_base();

  // public member functions
  vertex() const;


The acyclic_mutex_base class gives access to an acyclic_mutex's vertex descriptor in mutex_grapher's locking order graph.

acyclic_mutex_base public construct/copy/destruct

  1. virtual ~acyclic_mutex_base();

    Virtual destructor.

acyclic_mutex_base public member functions

  1. boost::optional<mutex_grapher::locking_order_graph::vertex_descriptor> 
    vertex() const;

    Returns the mutex's vertex descriptor in the locking order graph. If the mutex has never been locked, it will have no vertex descriptor and an uninitialized boost::optional is returned. Additionally, if mutex debugging has been disabled by defining NDEBUG or ACYCLIC_MUTEX_NDEBUG, then an uninitialized boost::optional will always be returned.