5.4. Functions

5.4.1. Core Functions
5.4.2. Asynchronous commands
5.4.3. Calibration
5.4.4. Digital I/O
5.4.5. Error reporting
5.4.6. Extensions
5.4.7. Deprecated functions

5.4.1. Core Functions

comedi_close — close a Comedi device
comedi_data_read — read single sample from channel
comedi_data_read_n — read multiple samples from channel
comedi_data_read_delayed — read single sample from channel after delaying for specified settling time
comedi_data_read_hint — tell driver which channel/range/aref you are going to read from next
comedi_data_write — write single sample to channel
comedi_do_insn — perform instruction
comedi_do_insnlist — perform multiple instructions
comedi_fileno — get file descriptor for open Comedilib device
comedi_find_range — search for range
comedi_find_subdevice_by_type — search for subdevice type
comedi_from_phys — convert physical units to sample
comedi_from_physical — convert physical units to sample using calibration data
comedi_get_board_name — Comedi device name
comedi_get_driver_name — Comedi driver name
comedi_get_maxdata — maximum sample of channel
comedi_get_n_channels — number of subdevice channels
comedi_get_n_ranges — number of ranges of channel
comedi_get_n_subdevices — number of subdevices
comedi_get_range — range information of channel
comedi_get_subdevice_flags — properties of subdevice
comedi_get_subdevice_type — type of subdevice
comedi_get_version_code — Comedi version code
comedi_internal_trigger — generate soft trigger
comedi_lock — subdevice reservation
comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific — maximum sample depends on channel
comedi_open — open a Comedi device
comedi_range_is_chan_specific — range information depends on channel
comedi_set_global_oor_behavior — out-of-range behavior
comedi_to_phys — convert sample to physical units
comedi_to_physical — convert sample to physical units using polynomials
comedi_unlock — subdevice reservation

5.4.2. Asynchronous commands

comedi_cancel — stop streaming input/output in progress
comedi_command — start streaming input/output
comedi_command_test — test streaming input/output configuration
comedi_get_buffer_contents — streaming buffer status
comedi_get_buffer_read_offset — streaming buffer read offset
comedi_get_buffer_write_offset — streaming buffer write offset
comedi_get_buffer_read_count — streaming buffer read count
comedi_get_buffer_write_count — streaming buffer write count
comedi_get_buffer_size — streaming buffer size of subdevice
comedi_get_cmd_generic_timed — streaming input/output capabilities
comedi_get_cmd_src_mask — streaming input/output capabilities
comedi_get_max_buffer_size — maximum streaming buffer size
comedi_get_read_subdevice — find streaming input subdevice
comedi_get_write_subdevice — find streaming output subdevice
comedi_mark_buffer_read — streaming buffer control
comedi_mark_buffer_written — streaming buffer control
comedi_poll — force updating of streaming buffer
comedi_set_buffer_size — streaming buffer size of subdevice
comedi_set_max_buffer_size — streaming maximum buffer size of subdevice
comedi_set_read_subdevice — set streaming input subdevice
comedi_set_write_subdevice — set streaming output subdevice

5.4.3. Calibration

comedi_apply_calibration — set hardware calibration from file
comedi_apply_parsed_calibration — set calibration from memory
comedi_cleanup_calibration — free calibration resources
comedi_get_default_calibration_path — get default calibration file path
comedi_get_hardcal_converter — get converter for hardware-calibrated subdevice
comedi_get_softcal_converter — get converter for software-calibrated subdevice
comedi_parse_calibration_file — load contents of calibration file

5.4.4. Digital I/O

comedi_dio_bitfield2 — read/write multiple digital channels
comedi_dio_config — change input/output properties of channel
comedi_dio_get_config — query input/output properties of channel
comedi_dio_read — read single bit from digital channel
comedi_dio_write — write single bit to digital channel

5.4.5. Error reporting

comedi_errno — number of last Comedilib error
comedi_loglevel — change Comedilib logging properties
comedi_perror — print a Comedilib error message
comedi_strerror — return string describing Comedilib error code

5.4.6. Extensions

comedi_arm — arm a subdevice
comedi_arm_channel — arm a subdevice channel
comedi_connect_route — connect device-global route
comedi_digital_trigger_disable — disable a digital trigger
comedi_digital_trigger_enable_edges — set digital trigger edge detection
comedi_digital_trigger_enable_levels — set digital trigger level detection
comedi_disarm — disarm a subdevice
comedi_disarm_channel — disarm a subdevice channel
comedi_disconnect_route — disconnect device-global route
comedi_get_clock_source — get master clock for a subdevice
comedi_get_cmd_timing_constraints — Get the hardware timing constraints for a streaming subdevice
comedi_get_gate_source — get gate for a subdevice
comedi_get_hardware_buffer_size — get size of subdevice's hardware buffer
comedi_get_routes — obtain list of all possible device-globally named routes
comedi_get_routing — get routing for an output
comedi_reset — reset a subdevice
comedi_reset_channel — reset a subdevice channel
comedi_set_clock_source — set master clock for a subdevice
comedi_set_counter_mode — change mode of a counter subdevice
comedi_set_filter — select a filter for a subdevice
comedi_set_gate_source — select gate source for a subdevice
comedi_set_other_source — select source signal for something other than a gate or clock
comedi_set_routing — select a routing for an output
comedi_test_route — validate and test device-global route

5.4.7. Deprecated functions

comedi_dio_bitfield — read/write multiple digital channels
comedi_get_buffer_offset — streaming buffer status (deprecated)
comedi_get_timer — timer information (deprecated)
comedi_sv_init — slowly-varying inputs
comedi_sv_measure — slowly-varying inputs
comedi_sv_update — slowly-varying inputs
comedi_timed_1chan — streaming input (deprecated)
comedi_trigger — perform streaming input/output (deprecated)